
Lightning is a common natural phenomenon, it besides endanger personal safety, also for electrical equipment, especially an enormous damage electronic devices. From lightning disturbance happened areas, densely populated and economically developed in our country large and medium-sized cities in the medium above lightning area, computer and other electronic products in these areas has been widely applied, met ray against the probability is very high. Therefore, we must constantly improve the defense ability against thunder disaster.

A surge protector (SPD) application of common sense

The SPD is mainly used to limit in the power system transient overvoltage caused by lightning (i.e., lightning surge) and most of the operating over-voltage. Transient power or signal lines caused by lightning intruded into the equipment, can be due to lightning ground potential rise when the counter equipment, can also be due to lightning building itself (or near) produced by the pulse electromagnetic field induction to produce in the cable and the loop.

Therefore, in addition to with good lightning rod, lightning protection and grounding devices such as external, also need to install the SPD. Because they are unable to prevent induced transient conduction along the invasion of the thunder and lightning and thunder secondary response. Especially if the building has greater influence on the value higher, electronic equipment and/or power electronic devices, the tolerance of the lightning surge capacity is much lower than the conventional electrical equipment, more need to install the SPD.

2. The composition and classification of surge protector

1. The surge protector can generally be by gas discharge tube, discharge gap, semiconductor discharge tube, zinc oxide varistor, zener diode, filter, such as fuse element combination.

2. The surge protector in use can be divided into three categories: the power surge protector, signal lightning surge protector, antenna feeder surge protector.


(3) from the working principle and performance of surge protector can be divided into voltage switch type, pressure limiting type, combination type three categories.


SPD without power emitted from the current voltage switch mode as the high impedance, when a voltage surge mutated into low impedance, also called "short circuit switch type" the SPD. Usually use discharge gap, gas discharge tube, thyratron and three-terminal two-way thyristor as components. Characterized by discharge capability is strong, but the residual pressure high, for 2-4 kv. Test the device in general use 10/350 mu S simulated lightning current waveform. General LPZ0 installed in buildings and PZL1 area of the junction.

Pressure limiting type SPD without electricity pour out now as the high impedance, with the increase of transient current and voltage, impedance with continuous decrescent, say again "clamp pressure type" the SPD. Usually adopts the varistor, suppress diode as components. Its characteristic is the lower. Test the device in general use 8/20 mu S simulated lightning impulse current waveform. General installation the building lightning protection zone persuation 8/20 mu S lightning impulse current.

Combination the SPD is by voltage switch components and pressure limiting component combination. In the general lightning overvoltage protection, the pressure limiting surge current type components, its nominal discharge current can reach 10-20 ka; If encounter large scale through the voltage of the thunder and lightning, the first level of type pressure limiting circuit insurance tube can be automatically disconnect, from secondary voltage switch type lightning over-voltage protection components. Combination the SPD can withstand the impact current capacity is generally greater than 100 ka.

Three main performance index of the surge protector

(1) 10/350 mu s wave is simulated lightning waveform, the wave energy; 8/20 mu s wave is simulated lightning induction and lightning conduction of waveform.


(2) the nominal discharge current is refers to the flow In the SPD, 8/20 mu s current wave peak current.

(3) the largest Imax is also known as the chase flow discharge current, current use 8/20 mu s shock SPD can withstand the maximum discharge current at a time.

(4) the maximum continuous pressure Uc (RMS) refers to the maximum of can exert on the SPD continuously alternating voltage RMS or dc voltage.

(5) the residual pressure of Ur refers to under the rated discharge current In the residual pressure values.

(6) protection voltage Up to characterize the SPD limit between the terminal voltage characteristic parameter, the value from the list the preferred value selection, should be greater than the limit of voltage peak.

(7) of the SPD main discharge voltage switch mode is 10/350 mu s current wave, the main discharge type pressure limiting the SPD is 8/20 mu s current wave.

Under normal circumstances: (1) voltage protection level. Generally the lower the voltage protection level, to protect the better the results. (2) flow capacity. Usually the higher flow capacity, lightning safety under the better. But the greater the flow capacity, the SPD has the higher price. (3) maximum continuous operating voltage. Generally the higher the maximum continuous operating voltage, the better the long-term safety, but the higher the maximum continuous operating voltage, the voltage protection level have increased.

4. The surge protector installed principle

1. The surge protector must be able to withstand the expected lightning current through them. The building into the line and other anti minefield interface in one of the biggest surge voltage and the system's basic insulation level and equipment allow maximum surge voltage coordinated. In order to make the biggest surge voltage is low enough, at both ends of the wire should be the shortest, total no more than 0.5 meters.

2. When the power supply into line between the surge protector and the protected equipment at the distance is farther (more than 30 m), or the SPD voltage protection level Up together with the induction voltage of the both ends of the wire and the reflection effect is not enough to protect sensitive equipment, should be in the protected equipment installation second-level SPD, its nominal mu S5kA discharge current should not be less than 8/20.


3. When online road several installation of SPD, SPD and pressure limiting voltage switch between the SPD line length should not be less than 5 m.

4. To prevent damage of SPD for various reasons, the SPD per level shall set the fuse or circuit breaker protection.

5. When the protection equipment lines are shielded, SPD end should be close to the shielding line installation.

Both in work and life and in the private sector, are we depend on the electrical and electronic products in constant increase. And surge protector serves as an important part of modern lightning protection technology, more and more widely used in the field of power supply and electronic information. This suggests that the national lightning protection consciousness constantly improve, timely understanding and application of advanced technology, to further guarantee the security and stability of all kinds of electronic information system, the escort of a better life for us.

Anti-surge line optimized design,    
                  SPD lightning protection scheme
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Tel: + 86 18948880385
Email address: garminte@163.com Factory address: zhongshan guzhen with 10 hing road, 4th floor Outlets address: zhongshan guzhen changan electronic city 17

INDIA AGENT: Crystal Impex27, Garga Bldg , and Floor, Tara Temble Lane, Lamington Road, Contact Person: Mr.Manish Ranka,

Manufacturer of anti-surge